DOI 10.32758/2071-5951-2020-0-01-58-62
Mukhtarova G.S., Abdullayeva Yu.A., Hasanova R.Z., Alekperova N.G., Shakhverdiyeva A.F., Aliyeva S.A., Gafarova N.F.
(The Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after Y.H. Mammadaliyev, Azerbaijan NAS) E-mail:
Сравнительная характеристика нефтей Абшеронского нефтегазового района
Keywords: oil of the West Absheron field, Absheron kupesi, gasoline fraction, diesel fraction, kerosene fraction, oil fraction, bitumen.
The purpose of this article is a comparative study of the qualitative characteristics of the heavy oils of the West Absheron field with the previously studied oil of the Absheron Kupesi field and the issuance of recommendations for their rational use.
In the course of the research, it was found that the gasoline fraction 85‑180°C of the studied oils can serve as raw material for catalytic reforming.
The kerosene fractions 120‑130 and 150‑280°C from both oils, according to the main indicators, satisfy the requirements of AZS 116‑2004 for lighting kerosene of the KO‑20 brand.
The fractions of 120 230 ° C of oils meet the requirements for raw materials for jet fuels of the TS‑1 and Jet A brands according to a set of indicators. And the fraction of 150‑280°C can serve as a component of jet fuel.
Fraction 140 320 ° C from West Absheron oil in its performance meets the requirements of GOST 305-82 for winter diesel fuel. Fractions 140‑350 and 180‑350°C from both oils can be used as components of diesel fuel.
The study of oil fractions (350‑500°C) from Absheron Kupesi and West Absheron oil showed that they have a very low viscosity index (0‑20.6). After selective cleaning, hydroprocessing, as well as the subsequent two-stage selective cleaning and adsorption cleaning, it is possible to increase the VI to 46. After adding the appropriate additives, it is possible to obtain motor oils with a viscosity index of 100 and higher.
Residues obtained >500°С from the oils of the West Absheron and Absheron kupesi deposits were investigated. According to the formula of BashNII NP, the possibilities of obtaining bitumen from residues >500°C were evaluated. It was found that bitumen can be obtained from these residues.
According to the results, the data of the studied oils can be processed together according to the fuel and oil scheme.
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